Fire Permit Information
Once you have entered all required information in the form and submitted the application for a permit, you should receive a message on the screen that reads “Thank you for your application. Your request for a permit will be reviewed and you should receive a response by email or by telephone within two business days.”
If you do not receive the above message or do not receive your approved permit the same day with the exception of weekends, as we are not open, please contact the BESC office directly at 780.336.3041 or via email at info@besc.ca.
Our Office is open Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Fire Permits
Pursuant to Fire Permit Bylaw 7-2021, Fire permits are required year-round from January 1 until December 31. Permits are available from the BESC office, online, or from the following fire guardians:
- Town Office (Tofield) Ph: 780-662-3269
- Village Of Ryley Ph: 780-663-3653
- Beaver County Office (Ryley) Ph: 780-663-3730
- Village of Holden Ph: 780-688-3928
- Bruce Fuels Ph: 780-688-3900
- BESC Headquarters Office (Viking) Ph: 780-336-3041
- Kelly Overbo (Kinsella) Ph: 780-336-5518
Fire Permits are issued for a 14 day period and are free of charge.
If you live within a municipality please check with your local bylaws, regarding approved fire pit information.
Apply for a fire permit online here.
When A Fire Permit is Not Required:
- A Barbecue/Fire Pit provided that:
- A minimum of 3 metres clearance from buildings, property lines and combustible material is maintained;
- It is constructed of bricks or concrete blocks, heavy gauge metal or other suitable non-combustible components;
- It has a spark arrestor mesh screen of 13 mm (.50 inches) expanded metal (or equivalent) to contain sparks over the fire at all times;
- The fire is supervised at all times by a responsible adult until such time that the fire has been extinguished;
- Only wood, charcoal briquettes, propane or natural gas fuels are used; and
- Flame height does not exceed 90 cm (3.28 feet above the bbq/fire pit.
- For a fire within a non-combustible container provided by the County within a designated public park where burning for cooking and warming is permitted.
- A portable appliance (which means any appliance sold or constructed for the purpose of cooking food in the out of doors).
- A smudge fire in a non-combustible container covered with a heavy gauge metal screen having a mesh size not larger than 13 mm (.50 inches).
- An incinerator fire in a non-combustible container covered with a heavy gauge metal screen having a mesh size not larger than 13 mm (.50 inches).
- The bylaw does not apply to any industrial or commercial type incinerators that are required to be licensed under the Alberta Environment Protection and Enhancement Act.
No burning is allowed without a permit in areas designated as Municipal or Environmental Reserve or in designated restricted burn areas.
Burning Regulations & Tips
- The fire must be set at the time and place indicated on the permit.
- The number of fires set at one time and minimum equipment needed may be specified on the permit.
A fire permit is a legal document, which conditionally authorizes a person to burn wood debris at a time specified on the permit. By obtaining a fire permit you have simply indicated your wish to burn. The responsibility for conducting a safe burn is yours.
Burning shall be done in compliance with the Forest and Prairie Protection Act. The regulations made there under and the following conditions:
- Permittee is responsible for the safe control of the burning herein authorized;
- Winds less than 10 km per hour;
- A minimum of one (1) adult must be in attendance at all times;
- Sufficient tools, equipment and quantities of water must be readily available for the size of burn being conducted;
- If burning is within ½ kilometer of a primary or secondary highway the Permittee is responsible to post appropriate “Smoke” signs along the primary or secondary highway.
- Permittee must remove smoke signs when burn is completed or permit expires and return signs to BESC.
- Consideration must be given to neighbors as to avoid physical discomfort as a result of burning.
- This Permit does not authorize burning of prohibited debris as defined by the Alberta Environmental Protection Enhancement Act.
Burning on Agricultural Land
Special regulations must be followed by those who have a fire permit to burn brush or debris after land clearing or other agricultural activities on private property. These are as follows:
- No fire shall be lit for broadcast burning of grass or stubble without first obtaining a fire permit.
- Burning un-harvested crops is covered in a separate policy “Stubble Burning” and requires additional information, oversight and insurance.
- In preparation for burning, debris or windrows resulting from land clearing must be no more than 60 metres in length.
- The area being burned must be completely surrounded by a guard clear of inflammable material to a width of not less than 15 metres.
- No windrow may be nearer than 25 metres to uncleared land or standing fuels.
- Windrows must be separated from other parallel windrows by not less than 15 metres.
- Every fire must be controlled by a responsible person or persons approved by the fire guardian.
- The minimum amount of equipment at the fire site includes:
- One axe
- Two round mouth shovels
- One water backpack and hand pail or four heavy sacks, and;
- One barrel of at least 200 litres of water
For more information, contact Beaver Emergency Services Commission 780-336-3041