Know Your Risks – Helpful Resource links

While local and provincial governments take steps to prepare for wildfires and other hazards, the people living in our communities should be taking steps to prepare as well.

However, if the people in our communities do not understand the risks around them, they are less likely to take preparedness action.

Increase your awareness by keeping yourself and your community informed and educated on local hazards so you can take appropriate actions to reduce your risk.

See items below for some free printed resources to help be better prepared:

Before, during and after an emergency
Blizzards, freezing rain, and ice storms
Emergency preparedness for your pets
Farm animal and livestock preparedness
Flood preparedness
Cleaning your home after a flood
Helping children during emergencies
Power outages
Shelter-in-place: Hazardous air
Shelter-in-place: Severe weather
Calling 9-1-1 from a cellphone
Thunderstorms, lightning, and hail
Tornadoes and extreme winds
Extreme Heat
Steps to take following a disaster

Want to watch some short videos on how to Get Prepared? Click here for various 60-second Be Prepared videos on YouTube
